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Safe Caribbean Real Estate Purchases: Avoid These Traps!
Have you decided to buy a property in the Caribbean? Fantastic! You are probably aware that investing in this asset class opens up a range of possibilities that are not available with other forms of capital investment. However, this step involves a whole new area, related to choosing the right property, the partners who will accompany you on the purchase path, as well as a number of other nuances, the omission of which may lead to the wrong decision. The situation becomes even more complicated when you decide to buy a property in an exotic country with a different culture, language, legal regulations or social customs.
In this article we present a list of the most common mistakes made when buying a property in sunny Dominican Republic, as well as ways to avoid them, so that you can fulfill your dream of owning your own piece of paradise without unpleasant surprises.
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How to Live in the Dominican Republic?
If you think that buying real estate in an exotic country comes with numerous obstacles, it's time for a positive surprise! It turns out that with the right preparation, you can soon receive the keys to your dream home in the Caribbean. What steps do you need to take to ensure everything goes according to plan? What are the general rules for buying property in the Dominican Republic? The answers to these questions (and more) await you in this article!
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Investments during inflation – how to act to benefit your finances?
Undertaking investments during inflation may seem challenging. Current economic conditions are characterized by significant dynamism, and the future value of our savings is uncertain. We ponder, 'What to invest in during inflation?' recognizing that saving alone is an unreliable recipe for achieving financial stability. Is there a proven way to multiply capital?
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Why is real estate investment still worth it in 2023?
In the investment market, options for participants are constantly increasing – cryptocurrencies, a continuously expanding catalog of alternative investments, among which we can highlight investments in alcohol or works of art... Reality is subject to constant changes, and this also affects the landscape of the investment scene. Real estate investments in 2023 consistently remain at the forefront of the list of options, which – for both experienced players and newcomers – constitute a reliable and proven method of capital multiplication.
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Long-distance property management
Long-distance property management seems to be a complex process, generating a lot of additional work. If we add the fact that the potential investment is located outside the country where the investor resides on a daily basis, this process becomes even more complicated. Calls and emails from guests, bills to pay, a tap breaking at the least appropriate moment... And that's just the tip of the iceberg looming in front of the potential owner. Is it really impossible to modify the scenario so that responses to guests are sent on time, bills are paid on schedule, and faults are repaired immediately upon reporting? It turns out that this – and much more – is achievable when working in tandem with an experienced business partner.
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Investment in holiday apartments – why choose Puerto Plata?
For savvy real estate investors looking to expand their portfolios, Puerto Plata, a jewel nestled on the northern coast of the Dominican Republic, offers promising opportunities. Leveraging the region's rapidly increasing popularity among international tourists, an investment in vacation property here promises potentially significant returns. See the feagures.
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Why Invest in the Dominican Republic?
Attractive investment opportunities offered by foreign real estate markets have been tempting investors worldwide. Among the top locations attracting domestic investors are Spain, Greece, and Bulgaria. Turning towards this part of the map should not be surprising – sunny coasts, charming coastal towns, and a touristy atmosphere mean that more and more people decide to buy property every year. The world of hotel investments still hides many other gems worth a close look – one of them is undoubtedly the Caribbean paradise, the Dominican Republic.
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